Rosa D'Amato
Italy, Greens/EFA
Niki Ashton
MP, Canada
Manon Aubry
MEP, France
Malin Bjork
MEP, Swedish Left Party
Damian Boeselager
MEP Germany
Saskia Bricmont
Belgium, Greens/EFA
Damien Careme
France, Greens/EFA
Leïla Chaibi
MEP, La France insoumise
Ada Colau
Mayor, Barcelona
Jeremy Corbyn
MP, United Kingdom
David Cormand
France, Greens/EFA
Oezlem Demirel
MEP, Die Linke
Cornelia Ernst
MEP, Die Linke
Tamara Funiciello
Member of the National Council of Switzerland
José Gusmao
MEP, Bloco De Esquerda
Yara Hawari
Activist, Palestine
Aurore Lalucq
MEP, France
Richard Leonard
MSP, Labour
Marisa Matias
MEP, Bloco De Esquerda
John McDonnell
Jean-Luc Melenchon
National Deputy, France
Dimitrios Papadimoulis
Greece, The Left
Gerardo Pisarello
Deputy, Spain
Carola Rackete
Activist, Germany
Sara Rego
Spain, The Left
Christian Rodriguez
Head of International Relations for La France Insoumise, France
Zarah Sultana
MP, U.K.
Tineke Strik
Netherlands, Greens/EFA
Marie Toussaint
France, Greens/EFA
Ernest Urtasun
Spain, Greens/EFA
Yanis Varoufakis
MP, Greece
Idoia Villanueva
MEP, Spain
Nikolaj Villumsen
MEP, Denmark