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Since the end of the British mandate, the United States has backed Zionism as an instrument of imperial control in West Asia.

To this day, Israel's role in the region remains unchanged — to suppress self-determination in the Arab world and advance reaction far beyond it. “If there were no Israel, we’d have to invent one,” Joe Biden has repeatedly said.

As the Israeli regime continues its murderous campaign against the people of Gaza, the entire economic and political infrastructure of the West is backing it — financially, militarily, diplomatically, and informationally.

The US alone has given over $175 billion in military support to Israel since 1948. And those ties have only grown stronger over time, culminating in a 2019 memorandum through which Israel receives $3.8 billion in military aid from the US every year, or 16% of its military budget in 2022.

This support has enabled Israel to become the tenth largest military exporter in the world. One of the main culprits is Elbit Systems — Israel’s largest arms company. It supplies the Israeli army with 85% of its drones and land-based equipment. The company’s arms — manufactured in facilities across Israel, the US, UK, Europe, Brazil and Australia — are being used extensively in the latest Israeli assault on Gaza. And many of the technologies that Israel tests on a captive Palestinian population then make their way back to the heartland of empire, where they repress protests and police borders.

That is why this moment, so ripe with resistance, is an opportunity to escalate the struggle against the Israeli war machine — internationalizing existing campaigns against it, and building new ones.

“In these moments of heightening contradictions and revolutionary potential, we see a lot of liberal co-optation of the language of direct action. Marching to empty halls of power is not shutting anything 'down'. Our tactics must directly confront and materially impede imperialism, as the Palestinian resistance has called on us to do. We must organize targeted, direct actions that confront the weakest links in the military machine. We put the imperialists on notice: we will stop these weapons from being produced and sent to Israel, and we dare you to stop us.”

Calla Walsh
Palestine Action US

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If you would like to get directly involved in the campaign to take on US complicity with the Israeli war machine, join or support one of the movements below.

Palestine Action

Palestine Action is a direct action group founded to take on Elbit Systems — Israel's largest arms manufacturer. In its first year of operation, Palestine Action caused over £15 million in losses to Elbit sites alone, and shut down site operation for 105 days, preventing the manufacture of arms at the base of production. It has since expanded into the US, where it is leading the charge.

Website (US) → | Website (UK) →

Palestinian Youth Movement

The Palestinian Youth Movement is a transnational, independent, grassroots movement of young Palestinians in Palestine and in exile worldwide as a result of the ongoing Zionist colonization and occupation of their homeland. Their belonging to Palestine and aspirations for justice and liberation motivate them to assume an active role as a young generation in the national struggle for the liberation of the Palestinian homeland and its people.

Website →

Arab Resource Organizing Center

The Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC) serves poor and working class Arab and Muslim immigrants and organizes their community to build power and overturn the social systems perpetuating forced migration, racism, exploitation, war and imperialism. AROC has been leading direct action campaigns to stop boats delivering weapons to Israel.

Website →

Elbit Systems is Israel's largest weapons manufacturer. Its operations span multiple offices and subsidiaries on two continents.

On 21 December, we are taking the #ShutElbitDown campaign global — targeting a critical node in the imperialist military machine.

Coalition Partners


Black Alliance for Peace

Communist Party of Kenya

Congreso de los Pueblos

DSA International Committee

Haqooq-e-Khalq Party

Palestine Action US

Women's Democratic Front