Workers are fighting back and winning.

Over the last week, we have seen a historic mobilization by workers in our country. Education workers, OSBCU and CUPE members in Ontario fighting back against Doug Ford’s right wing agenda in a big way.

They walked out in defiance of Bill 28 a bill that used the notwithstanding clause to take away their right to collective bargaining. The labour movement and its allies called for a General Strike in solidarity. The result: The Conservative government backed off, is repealing the bill, and is getting back to the bargaining table.

While this is a significant victory, we must keep up the pressure for a fair deal for education workers and all workers.

Our struggle in Canada is the same around the world. As inflation soars inequality worsens, threats of austerity are made and a recession looms workers pay the price.

We can learn from the struggle waged by education workers this last week in Ontario.

Join leaders from the front lines for a discussion on what is at stake and the need to fight back.


How Education Workers Got Ontario's
Right Wing Government to Back Down

Sunday November 13 | 10 am CST/ 11 am EST

Laura Walton

Niki Ashton

Dr. Simon Black
Associate Professor of Labour Studies
Brock University

Andria Babbington
Toronto & York Region
Labour Council

Katherine Grzejszczak
CUPE 905

Chandra Pasma
Education Critic